Monday, April 30, 2012

Only one week for the project II

We only have 1 week left to finish whole stuff, and the project II will be hand in on the next Monday. Need to finish my final project quickly: Magma. It all going quite good right now, and still have some thing need to improve for my brainstorm or storyboard. Just want to make it better, and try to have self-explanation and clearly meaning to everyone And i will work on the effect i show to my tutor last time, when i finish the final effect for my project then consider about is it any audio could be import to the project.

Here is two draft storyboard for my project II.

I have to choose the 'Magma' for my final best storyboard and for the final one word movie.

Friday, April 13, 2012

First exercise for project 2


Butter paper
So let us start at the first exercise of the project 2. Here is the butterpaper and the first two word I have done on the first tutorial.

In butter paper one, i start to focus on the different layout negative and postive space for the fonts.



What our project should be done like only use the letters of words as shapes in animation.So i need to make each of words have its own self-explanation.This is several ideas i first coming into my mind before the Thursday(5th of April). But these ideas just the draft.I will put my brainstorm and storyboard work later.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Project 2 inspiration

Okay,let us have a look to the second project.This is my inspiration from the martix we all know,that science fiction movie is very famous when the title coming to the screen at first, you can see it from the end of this trailer.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

The way to the final

Okay,first things first, i want to say that everybody's work is so well, their tried really hard during their create their model.Here i want to explain and introduce the way what i havedone from the fist idea to the end of final model.
That one is the original idea from the fist paper model, look more dimension,however it is only falt on the surface, not like my tutor say about more dimension to this.But my work is balance, i think the word balance is probably hold on the ground and look very solid.
So here is my second idea transform into the 0.5mm card model,the challenge coming, because card are not model, you cannot fold it. But fold meaning on the card model is need to cut out on the fold line. So it really look like failure for me, and i start to change my idea into the final model.
The final model is the idea from the line accross on the paper, and i use craft knife to extrude the feature of the line. i thought card model is really hard, however to create the vertical is a point of the 1.5MM card model, and i have two place 90 degree. so it is really weak if you want to do that.
anyway everything finish, i should try my best in next product.

Monday, April 2, 2012

DSDN111 project 1 The card model

DSDN111 project 1 Card model
DSDN111 project 1 Card model
This is my balance work, it need to be measure a lot if you want to make it stand up. I changed the lastest one of my card model developing idea into that one. The diagonal cross each other made more negative and positive space with each other at the same time. When i made my paper model and 0.5mm model, the diagonal lines were used to be fold lines. However, by the reason of the 1.5mm card model is thick, i change it into lines to present light and shadow on the vertical line.